The Frog & The Prince
The Frog Prince, 14th February 2009.
You were only hired cause you are a girl.
You are a morale booster to the team
A referee has set a record by showing 36 red cards in a single game, dismissing all the players, substitutes and coaches.
The crazy scenes occurred in the fifth tier of Argentinean football between rival teams Claypole and Victoriano Arenas.
Referee Damian Rubino would later file his match report, in which he saw fit to serve every player with a red card, along with a further 14 people, a mixture of subs and coaches.
Victoriano Arenas manager Domingo Sganga, discussing the manic scenes in Buenos Aires, was quoted as saying: "They wanted to kill me". Meanwhile his opposite number Sergio Micielli says the referee overreacted to the brawl: "Most players were trying to separate people. The ref was confused".
Rubino's red cards could yet be overruled by the local FA according to reports.