
Saturday 1 January 2011

The year 2010 - milestones 

A new year, new beginning I thought. Break up with my very short term relationship with Frazer was prolly a good start of the year already. But my exams suffered as a result of it. But after the exams, we had a massive piss up. Mostly to drown our sorrows of whether we are gonna pass or fail them. 
Also had an interview at Hewlett packard for a summer internship which was to begin during Easter. 
Who ever knew that I'd be working as an intern for my placement year as a result of replying back to one very dodgy volunteering email. 

St. Valentine's - received an anonymous present from a secret admirer. See side photo ->
Tinny Tempah live! What a night that was! It was prolly the same night I met tubby! Lol. Good times. 

Coursework and more coursework >.<

Summer placement at HP! Woop woop! :-) learnt a lot from it. Ruby, XML! 
And there I saw you for the first time... 
Shibby's birthday - another year another birthday. More of a reason to get pissed! 

Emma n Anselm visit from Aussies
Random Cardiff visit on the bank holiday :epic! 

Accounting social piss up but ending up in Thekla lol
Met a lot of random people there one of them being Maggie's flatmate err yeah lol
WORLD CUPPPP!!! Woooop Portugal! =D

Start of an epic placement year - there I met you again! 
Intern BBQ :-)

Lukes bday - oh what a legendary night that was! Awesome night with the brown house crew with lukey turning 21! Defo the awesomest party of 2010!

Yeh not much happened here.

Family visit to London - was really good seeing family and London town!
22 Oct - ramshackle x
Halloween - was epic! Another good night out. 

01 Nov :-)
Josie's visit to UK! and was really good seeing her! Lots of fun times with her! 

20 December - 50 days :-)
Christmas dinner with my family x
30 December - you tell me that you're not looking for a long distance relationship...