
Sunday 19 December 2010

I think I realized something today. Something I had forgotten after meeting you...
Sometimes You think it's ok to be yourself when you're with that special someone. Cause you know you he won't be freaking out when they see you at your lowest. I'm sure you wanted to know what is going on and why she was crying. To be honest at that point I had too many thoughts in my head and to sum them up in words was so difficult. So just crying and emptying my heart out to you seemed okay... 
But then when I talked to you earlier you said you were weirded out. Then I realized how much I depend on you. I think after meeting you I depend on you so much! My whole world revolves around you. But I know it's not how it's meant to be. I'm gonna be stronger as I have been before I met you. I have lived so far, haven't I? I think i will live. 
But I'm sorry for freaking you out. I will from now on not cry infront of out. I'll make sure of that. 
I also worry about what's gonna happen to us, in the future.
 There are so many things that worry me. But I am so tired of everything!! Family, friends, you. I deserve a proper one nights sleep. So from now on all you lot can worry about your own tiny problems and I'm gonna sleep peacefully. Tonight.